montgó lifestyle | who we help

Find your way back to balance and harmony

Our approach, tailored specifically to the needs of high-achieving participants, recognises the complexity of your role as a parent, father, mother, partner, entrepreneur and the impact these issues can have on both your professional and personal life.

We help people who are out of balance

At Montgó Lifestyle, we focus on providing a personalised and empathetic approach for anyone dealing with challenges such as burnout, addiction, depression and trauma.

Montgó lifestyle | for who we are

Treatment for

For burnout, we provide a calming environment and personalized therapies to reduce the stress and fatigue of daily life. Our approach includes both physical and mental support aimed at restoring energy and motivation.

Montgó lifestyle | for who we are

Treatment for

In depression, the focus is on understanding and treating the underlying causes. We use a combination of therapeutic methods, including individual talk therapy and activities focused on self-discovery and expression.

"For me, the question was actually not seeking help, but accepting it. I had to accept that there was something I couldn't do on my own."


Montgó lifestyle | for who we are

Treatment for

In the case of trauma, we focus on processing and healing emotional wounds. This is done through safe and supportive therapies that help rebuild trust and find inner peace.

Montgó lifestyle | for who we are

Treatment for

For addiction, we offer a comprehensive program that addresses both the physical withdrawal and psychological aspects of addiction. Our methods include individual therapy, group sessions and support in developing healthier living habits.

Program & Rates

Each program at Montgó Lifestyle is designed to support the individual needs of our participants, respecting their privacy and with a commitment to their personal growth and well-being. 

Looking for help?

At Montgó Lifestyle, we believe in the power of personal attention and customised recovery programs. Whether you seek in-depth support, are interested in our unique approach, or simply want to learn more about how we can help you or your loved ones - our team is ready to welcome you.